


12 Oct

The nav panel on the right of sites often include pages being edited before being transferred to the Contents page before they disappear.

Today it's all .... 
under construction.

11 Oct

  1. Mission - Item 5 here.

  2. Three pages on Referencing here.

  3. Please regard pupils learning referencing as an experiment which the science teacher might like to follow up. I will need to discuss with her/him what the class has done this term. 

  4. If Year 5 pupils, the probable candidates, I will introduce the topic of referencing by saying that next year, they'll move on.  

  5. They will have the privilege of being the only pupils with that knowledge!

  6. --------------------------------------

  7. The Contents page included text - 'to be removed - IF'.  All such text has been removed.  Everything is ...IF.  

10 Oct

  1. Most of the pages on the pupil site have been edited.  More are being added.

  2. The Contents page includes an Introduction to the Train Set for Parents.

  3. It is only for their access via an Update page if the blog package is adopted by the school.  See 11 Oct item 11.

  4. If the package is accepted parents will have their own Update page.

  5. Contents page

  6. It includes pages from the very large first blog.  The aim is to transfer their content to the revised blog so that they are not distracted by further pages they don't need.

  7. The same comment applies to the page here.

  8. 11 continues. The page here will be soon transfered to the new blog here.

  9. BECAUSE if parents trawl as we all do, they'll see the Contents page which includes the very large blog here. The logo is not centred and doesn't need editing.

  10. A benefit if I can call it that is the reader can see the shape of lesson pages to come.

9 Oct
  1. Thinking more about the situation last year I now offer two sessions a week.

  2. Same day consecutively. Cannot do another day.

  3. Ideally they would be in the same room to save moving the train set etc.

  4. If not 5, I'll cope.

The 8 Oct entry has been edited.

8 October  

  1. I aim for the pupils to believe that they are moving on.  

  2. There is an 'Ideally' link on a new page and other new pages here which will help them.  ...
  3. --------------
  4. Edited the following on 9 Oct - new item at 17.

  5. Parents and teachers will work together to come up with the most appropriate provision for the child(ren).
  7. When SP returns she will have plenty of new material for her research. 

  8. Parents working with the school in helping and supporting their children may not be wide-spread.

  9. Meanwhile I'll try to find schools working like this.

  10. Let's put the school on the map!

  11. Blended Learning Procedures 2023/24 includes this paragraph:
Parents and teachers will work together to come up with the most appropriate provision for the child(ren).

Some parents, then, will have such experience. 

7 October   

The root cause of needing extra blogs is the freezing of the initial bog.  Pages for readers other than pupils were accessed via separate contents pages to be addressed to recipients.  Like Topsy, it grew.

The cuplrit is here and you most probably have been there before.

A blog has been separated into pages for parents and school.   Home
  • The other pupil-half follows but it doesn't yet separate them on the blog Contents panel. The blue Home link just above.  The pupil page works here.  
  • The rest can sit there until the situation changes.


My Very Brief CV is here


6 October  

Some very early links need to be processed into the blog.

Although no one made contact then, updates were made with optimism.  


24 April 2024

NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter 3rd flight here

National Geographical Space Encyclopedia 2005 - update

22 April 2024

Supermoon 2021: see the first of the year on 27 April here


06 April 2021


  •  24 March 2021 

Telegraph Home page

Telegraph 23 March 2021

Telegraph 23 March 2021 - decimalised

21 March

19 March

Gravity early stage here

The science of the shuttlecock here

10 March

Torque here

Relativity is easy here   for 'advanced' readers

Expansion of the universe here  for 'advanced' readers


5 March 

17 Feb

Women in physics here

11 Feb

Charge - static electricity here

10 Feb                               

UAE's Hope probe reaches Mars here

3D printing food in space here


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