No normal blog

                                                              Page numbers

A blog is "a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.".  more

This blog is run by an individual.  The numerous pages aim to offer parents who homeschool their children a selection of information, support and other resources.  

While aiming to be informal and conversational, the task in hand is making your life within your own task of homeschooling easier.  Presenting scientific theory and fact both or either formally and informally may not come easy for parents helping their children.  

The conversation can be anything parents have to say and particularly when framing their questions and comments which improve the blog. Most pages include the means to ask questions and make comment on the pages and such comment will be acknowledged.

Let's take a look at the top 5 blog features needed in order to succeed:

The Right Structure. Structure is often one of the most overlooked aspects of blogging. 

Visual Content. 

A Clear Focus. 

Regular Content. 

Internal Linking.

A sixth feature surely is the opportunity to question and comment upon every page.

Whether such features are successful by and large is in your hands.  

My hope is to attend to frequent page comment and use of the contact page.

Best wishes

Alan Harrison

Now that the blog is three quarters completed the conclusion is that it is appropriate to my purpose and easier to operate than a conventional website.  Page feedback and contact is high on my aims.  

pagetop here

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