Some reasons for updates ASforPs here
18 May
- Hancock's Half-hour - Telegraph 18 May 2021 - here
- Telegraph letters 18 May here
- Who is next on the list for Covid vaccines - and how will I be invited to book an appointment? here
17 May
- Letters: Doctors under pressure are well aware that general practice is broken here
- We're so petrified of privatisation, we can't see that our GP service needs an overhaul here
- GP appointment 19 May here
16 May
- Sunday Telegraph letters here.
- Letters: Seeing a GP? There's a two-week wait for a phone appointment, if the receptionist allows. Plus many more here.
- The leading article - - may appear tomorrow. Update 17 May - possibly much later.
- Push for one million vaccinations a day to save summer here.
- The Government's goal must be one million doses a day here.
- Who is next on the list for Covid vaccines - and how will I be invited to book an appointment? here.
- BBC - Newspaper headlines: PM 'must think again' on rules, and 1m jabs 'push' here.
- Making progress - 1 Compare an earlier update:
- It is Sunday 9 May 18:56. I'm 95% certain to drop the aim of seeing my GP and not join the scrum - I need to sleep on it.
- Making progress - 2 You have seen that newspaper letters etc are not broken down line by line.
- Making progress - 3 - Now that a GP appointment has been made, Telegraph and similar pages will be copied gradually to a new website.
- When the surgery has made considerable progress towards normality, Telegraph and similar pages and other pages will be redundant.
- 13 May. From today, only ultra-noteworthy items will be posted via the repeat medication system.
- 14 May Item 1. Champagne? The word now appears in the top left corner of every page. Removed due to next item. Replaced by "Onward".
- It is hoped that the Indian variant will not be used as a means of hanging on to the status quo.
- As long as the GP scandal exists nationally, articles and letters will be posted to this website.
15 May
- Boris Johnson: Indian variant poses real risk of disruption to our plans - here - front page.
- Seeing a GP? There's a two-week wait for a phone appointment, if the receptionist allows and other letters here.
- Covid lockdown roadmap: the rules that are changing from May 17 here.
14 May
- Champagne? The word now appears in the top left corner of every page.
- NHS Volte face
- Threat: India Covid more
13 May
"You're more likely to meet Lord Lucan riding Shergar than get an appointment
to see a GP." GPs hiding Item 11
See 12 May.
- This page is redundant from 12 May: Citalopram rejected.
- Now that a GP appointment has been made, other pages will be updated.
3. From today, only ultra-noteworthy items will be posted via the repeat medication system.
12 May
11 May
- The latest on care navigators here.
- The Telegraph letters and other pages connected to the GP Scandal now reside under that main heading.
- Mr F is referred to on several pages and he telephoned me using that name. However, when patients read the Clinicians page he is listed as Mr O.
- 6.1 under the 6 May update below says "Mr F has contacted me! here." Could be confusing for patients.
- Every page carries OCD &/or Autism? in the top left corner.
- Insufficient room for RSVP. It cannot be clicked. A clinical question perhaps to be answered by Item 1 here.
- New page on autism here.
- Pretty good for a free website.
10 May
9 May
It is hoped that Talking Points Plus is reading the website and that it will take me on.
7 May
Shame upon me here.
- Patients unable to see their GPs face to face can find that their illness has been misdiagnosed here.
- Item 11 Mr F telephoned here See above the page title. See also 11 May above.
- Item 2.4 Why the disparity between France and the UK? AND THIS SURGERY? here
- Item 3.2 However, appointments continue to be conducted in person [[[[ ? ]]]] , and patients who need to see a doctor face to face should always be given this option. here
- The surgery services could be enhanced by announcing publicly that patients can now see their GPs. Item 3.2 here. Dr Nikki Kanani Medical Director of Primary Care NHS England
6 May
- Mr F has contacted me! here but he hadn't seen this site. Something is stirring and I may even see my GP.
- Telegraph Opinion Find it under GP Scandal.
5 May
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