Some Basics and Elements of Science


Here are some ways to think how small atoms are: 

  1. Compared to a pin head: More than 10 million hydrogen atoms could fit across the head of a pin. 

  2. Compared to a human hair: A human hair is about a million carbon atoms wide. 

  3. Compared to Wembley Stadium: If an atom was the size of Wembley Stadium, then its centre or nucleus would be the size of a garden pea.



Isaac Newton's first law of motion is inertia:


The tendency of an object to stay at rest or keep moving at a constant speed and in a straight line, unless acted upon by an outside force.

Newton's first law of motion

States that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force.




Newton's second law of motion states that the acceleration of an object is directly related to the  force acting on it, and oppositely related to the object's mass.  

edited source

Search for his third law of motion.


What is matter?

Anything that takes up space is called matter. Air, water, rocks, and even people are examples of matter.

Different types of matter can be described by their mass. The mass of an object is the amount of material that makes up the object.


The basic unit of matter is the atom. Atoms are defined as the building blocks of matter that contain a nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons with electrons orbiting the nucleus.


Search for images of an atom.

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