made god?

p 101.4  implied a beginning - rep by maths as a singularity in E's equations


The Einstein field equations (EFE) are a set of equations that describe how the distribution of matter and energy in the universe relates to the curvature of spacetime:


The EFE are part of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. They relate the distribution of mass, energy, momentum, and stress to the geometry of spacetime.


The theoretical model of an Einstein Universe is based on the EFE. In this model, matter determines the curvature of spacetime, which then affects the motion of matter.



The EFE have been used to model the evolution of the universe. For example, the Einstein-deSitter solution and the Rendall class are two matter-dominated models that describe expanding universes.

Numerical relativity

Numerical relativity simulations can be used to apply general relativity in full to model the universe. These simulations can help researchers achieve the high level of accuracy required for theoretical predictions. 

Einstein's theories of relativity have had a major impact on astronomy. They helped to explain the source of a star's power, led to the discovery of black holes and neutron stars, and allowed theorists to understand that the universe is expanding.



The origin of chemical elements - paper Physical Review 1 April 1948

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