Sent to the £100 session with physio as prep info
6 June
0 Brief background1. Raynaud toes2 Left knee3 Right knee4 Both knees5 Back6 Support7 Exercise
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 Brief background0.1Two winters ago fell twice.0.2Fell backwards and to the right injuring that shoulder.0.3Fell forwards and to the left injuring that shoulder.0.4The left shoulder is the most painful (PL7 occasionally)0.5I sometimes wonder if the 2nd Covid jab has had an effect.------------------------------------------
PL values regard as averages.1. Raynaud toes
Accepted long ago that nothing can be done except keeping them warm at night
While sitting, I am conscious that my toes almost wiggle autonomously.2. Left knee2.1. Kneecap seems to move autonomously with PL 8 occasionally.2.2. Walking brings on most pain most of the time. Occasionally PL 9.2.3. Gives way occasionally back or forth2.4. Have tried a Boots knee support but nbg. Will bring. Have tried elastic hose.3. Right kneeAs 2.2 but not so frequent. PL 74. Both knees4.1. When standing and looked at from right or left the knees are bent backwards.4.2 When trying to touch toes, both knees PL 8, 9.4.3. Of course, affects back. PL 9 more often than not.4.4 Pretty well every morning and when trying to get up, PL 9 for 30 mins while trying to move around.5 BackOften PL 9 and 10. No neck pain at all.
My terms for location: above belt AB. Below belt BB
5.1 AB
Pretty well every morning and when trying to get up, PL 9 for 30 mins while trying to move around. Pain covers from belt to half way up. See 4.4The process often takes 30 mins
Rarely take pain killers. One reason is other meds. Omeprazole 3 x 20mg before bed for acid reflux. 20 mg Citalopram. Another is one is not in touch with what’s going on.6 Support6.1One in the car and one for the sofa. Not used when sitting at the table.6.2Use a clip bar on car door to get out and it is a very painful process.6.3The BF on the sofa is the best and it is packaged at the top to make it more 90 degrees.6.47 Exercise7.1 20 mins each morning7.1.1 Several arm and leg movements including boxing and balancing.7.1.2 On-bed - supine - raising one leg 10 to 15 times slowly, then quickly.rocking knees ditto7.2 WalkingUntil two weeks ago, walked a mile each day. Now it's round the block for 5 to 10 mins.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RSVP
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